Stand with Pride

Businesses, unions, and queer organizations support Capital Pride’s solidarity with Palestine

(Ottawa) - In response to the attacks on Capital Pride, over 50 local businesses, unions, and 2SLGBTQIA+ organizations have signed on to a statement expressing their support for Capital Pride’s statement in solidarity with Palestine and their intent to continue to march with Capital Pride.

Following Capital Pride’s statement in solidarity with Palestine, in which they expressed in no uncertain terms their opposition to anti-semitism and islamophobia, and recognized the ongoing genocide against Palestinians, a number of institutions have announced a boycott of Capital Pride over their opposition to genocide.

Notably, almost none of the organizations announcing that they will boycott Capital Pride are 2SLGBTQIA+ institutions, and many did so without consultation with their 2SLGBTQIA+ staff or members.

“Instead of building community and initiating dialogue, our elected officials and public institutions are contributing to misinformation and division” said Kymani Montgomery, of the Ten Oaks Project. “We can advocate for oppressed people and recognize the real threat of islamphobia and anti-semitism at the same time. In fact that is what Pride is about, advocating for all of us.”

Many of these organizations also have an obligation to serve the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. “While we expect this from police, corporations, and right wing politicians, and other organizations that do not serve our community’s interest,” added Emily Quaile of Community Solidarity Ottawa, “for hospitals, school boards, and universities to boycott Pride sends an awful message to their 2SLGBTQIA+ patients, students, and workers at a time when we are facing a wave of homophobia and transphobia, particularly targeting trans youth.”

The public boycott of Pride by powerful and influential figures and institutions in Ottawa puts the safety of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities at risk. Members of our community have already been doxxed, threatened, and harassed for having the courage to express their queer solidarity with Palestine. Capital Pride has been made less safe for everyone due to the attacks on Pride by public institutions. These attacks only serve to increase homophobia and transphobia and place a target on the back of our community – a community which has been under direct attack over the past two years.

“2SLGBTQIA+ communities understand what it means to be targeted simply for existing,” said Carling Miller, of Kind Space, “For more than 75 years Palestinians continue to be gaslit about their very existence as a people. Like all people that have been targeted for destruction because of our identities and the bodies we inhabit, our liberations are linked.” 

Members of our community who have been let down by their employer, their university, or another group that they were planning on marching with are encouraged to participate in the parade regardless. Queers for Palestine has issued an open invitation to march with them. Unionized employees are also encouraged to seek out their unions and march with them if their employer has boycotted Pride; many unions will be proudly marching in the parade, including the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE), representing over 25,000 federal public servants, which has issued a strong statement in support of Capital Pride and its 2SLGBTQIA+ members.

Everyone who supports 2SLGBTQIA+ communities are welcome at Pride. Pride is a protest, and we will not let our solidarity be weakened by Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-Palestinian racism, or homophobia and transphobia.


List of signatories:

Rideau Rollers

Queer Creator Connections

Clean Air Ottawa 

Queer Muslim Network

Head Space Hair Studio

Community Solidarity Ottawa

The Grove Studio

The Artery Community Roasters


Tubby Tabby Soaps

Transgender Media Lab School for Studies of Art and Culture Carleton University

Homo Phono

Mighty Maestro Fitness

Tall Tree Psychology

Qu'ART - Ottawa Queer Arts Collective 

Hintonburg Kids

Faculty for Palestine Ottawa

The Shift

Bourses Tontine Awards

DaisyChain Adornments

Purple Sisters

Diversity/Diversité Cornwall

Criminalization and Punishment Education Project

NPD de l'Université d'Ottawa (NPDUO) University of Ottawa NDP (UONDP)

The Box Of Life

Venus Envy

Palestine Solidarity Ottawa Centre

Fridays for Future Ottawa

Kind Space

Horizon Ottawa

Enchante Network

Ten Oaks Project

Queers 4 Palestine

Labour for Palestine Ottawa

Atelier d'innovation sociale Mauril-Bélanger

Anti-Imperialist Alliance

Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW)

Canadian Association of Professional Employees (ACEP-CAPE)


The City for All Women Initiative

Karas Legal Services

Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD)

World-Changing Kids

Erin Roach Counselling

Axé Worldfest

Ottawa Centre Green Party

Healthcare Workers Alliance for Palestine

Ottawa Trans Library

Dignity for Diversity

Ottawa Dyke March

Interval House of Ottawa

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