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Protect Trans Kids! Rally against anti-2SLGTBQIA+ hate!

  • Supreme Court of Canada 301 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON, K1A 0J1 Canada (map)

This coming Wednesday, September 20th, anti-2SLGBTQIA+ activists plan to rally on Parliament Hill as well as in a number of cities across the country for a so-called “Million Person March.” While they claim to be in support of “parental rights,” this is nothing more than yet another anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate rally.

Many of the people behind this hateful protest are familiar faces from previous anti-2SLGBTQIA+ mobilizaions in Ottawa – homophobic and transphobic activist Kamel El-Cheikh, anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate group Save Canada, as well as the usual gathering of homophobic convoy activists and other far-right networks.

Given the recent policy changes in Saskatchewan and New Brunswick targeting trans youth, and recent comments from Doug Ford as well as Education Minister Steven Lecce floating similar policies in Ontario, it is important that we come together at this time to show that the voices of these homophobic and transphobic bigots do not represent the majority and do not represent our community.

That’s why, at the same time as they are gathering on Parliament Hill, we are going to be gathering in front of the Supreme Court of Canada to show our support for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and our opposition to the so-called “parents rights” agenda that is nothing more than thinly veiled homophobia and transphobia.

Protect Trans Kids!

Rally against anti-2SLGTBQIA+ hate!

9:00 am

Wednesday, September 20th

Supreme Court of Canada

301 Wellington Street

We’ve beaten the far right before, and with your support, we can do so again.

We will be joined by our allies from Horizon Ottawa, the Ottawa District Labour Council, as well as a number of unions and community groups who have come together to send a message of solidarity with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

As always, review the Safety Plan to see how to best keep yourself and your friends safe. In particular:

  • Do not give interviews to far right media outlets or “independent journalists”

  • Don’t debate far-right trolls. Drown them out with chants and noise! Especially if they are filming or livestreaming and looking for content.

  • Do not film supporters without their permission, and do not livestream. Do film the far right, fake journalists, and the police in order to protect yourself and your friends.

  • Protect your identity. Mask up, and use signs, flags, umbrellas, etc., to protect yourself from being photographed by far right activists or fake news outlets.

  • Do not talk to the police

  • Maintain situational awareness, and watch each others’ backs

  • Try to arrive and leave as a group

  • Check the weather, drive safely and dress appropriately! Give yourself plenty of time to arrive!

We are also encouraging people to contact their representatives – in particular school trustees and MPPs – to express their support for gender-affirming policies and inclusive education, and their opposition to any policies that would forcibly out trans youth.

For additional information on who is behind these anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate rallies, please see our (parody – but informative!) website 1 Million March for Children.

September 16

#StatusForAll Postering Action

October 21

Protect Trans Kids! (again) Rally against anti-2SLGTBQIA+ hate!